3 Free Resource Libraries for Stock Photos & Graphics

free resource libraries for stock photos 2022

If you’ve ever been on the hunt for free-styled stock photography you are likely stumbling across the same stuff over and over.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Haute Chocolate but it’s fun to discover new resources that maybe not as many people are using. Here are some resource libraries I seriously love:

Ivory Mix

Kayla Butler has over 100 FREE styled stock photos and adds more every month. She also has some other freebies in her library. Totally worth checking out!

Every Tuesday

Teela has a ton of classes on skillshare in the art of hand lettering and also in graphic design & watercolors.

I found her when I was working on learning about watercolor and I have followed her ever since. She recently launched a FREE resource library full of TONS of goodies.

Style. Undone. Creative

Sign up for the “Gift List” to access some really pretty styled stock photos!

If you have a favorite free library leave it in the comments or share it in our free Facebook group dedicated to social media for small businesses and bloggers.

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