The Best Money Mindset Books that will transform your life in 2024!

The Best Money Mindset Books that will transform your life in 2023!

Money isn’t just about numbers on a screen or cash in your wallet. It’s a powerful force that can profoundly shape your life.

Your relationship with money, beliefs, and attitudes towards it can either be a roadblock to your dreams or a gateway to financial success and personal fulfillment. 

We have read many books specializing in personal development, the mindset of the wealthy, and financial education.

Based on important criteria such as content, reader reviews, and the topics addressed by each book, we have proceeded to select the ten best money mindset books in 2023.

In this publication, we will present the results of our research to help you choose the best books on money mindset that perfectly meets your needs.

Summary of the best books about money mindset

For those who need more time to read this article in detail, here’s a recap of the best books for money mindset:

  1. “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” is the Best Book on Financial Education. Click here to check the price on Amazon!
  2. “The Richest Man in Babylon,” is the Best Book on Ancient Wealth Wisdom. Click here to check the price on Amazon!
  3. “Think and Grow Rich,” is the Best Book on Achieving Financial Success. Click here to check the price on Amazon!
  4. “The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness,” is the Best Book on Money Psychology. Click here to check the price on Amazon!
  5. “The Compound Effect,” is the Best Book on Small Actions for Big Financial Results. Click here to check the price on Amazon!
  6. “Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones,” is the Best Book on Habits for Financial Prosperity. Click here to check the price on Amazon!
  7. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,” is the Best Book on Developing a Wealth Mindset. Click here to check the price on Amazon!
  8. “A Happy Pocket Full of Money, Expanded Study Edition: Infinite Wealth and Abundance in the Here and Now” by David Gikandi, is the Best Book on Abundance and Wealth. Click here to check the price on Amazon!
  9. “You Are a Badass at Making Money,” is the Best Book on Unlocking Your Financial Potential. Click here to check the price on Amazon!
  10. “Overcoming Underearning: A Five-Step Plan to a Richer Life by Barbara Huson (formerly Barbara Stanny),” is the Best Book on Escaping Underearning and Building Wealth. Click here to check the price on Amazon!

Detailed overview of the best money mindset books

We’ll now move on to a detailed presentation of the best books on money mindset, including a summary of the positive and negative reviews and our viewpoint based on our reading.

Let’s go!

1. “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, The best book on financial education

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki isn’t just a book, it’s a financial awakening, a paradigm shift that has left an indelible mark on the minds of countless readers.

In the world of personal finance, this book is nothing short of a classic.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Before delving into my thoughts on this remarkable book, let’s explore the overall sentiment of fellow readers.

Positive Reviews:

The overwhelmingly positive reviews of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” highlight its transformative power. Many readers have hailed it as a life-changer, a catalyst for altering their perspectives on money and wealth.

They praise Kiyosaki’s straightforward writing style, which makes complex financial concepts accessible to anyone. One common theme among these positive reviews is the emphasis on financial education.

Readers appreciate Kiyosaki’s call to become financially literate, to break free from the shackles of traditional employment, and to embrace entrepreneurship and investments as paths to financial freedom.

Negative Reviews:

While the majority of reviews are positive, there are some negative ones. Some readers express skepticism about Kiyosaki’s anecdotes and the real-life applicability of his advice.

They argue that not everyone can easily replicate his journey, as not everyone has access to a “rich dad” figure or the means to invest in real estate.

Others criticize the book’s simplicity, arguing that it oversimplifies complex financial matters. Some need more specific, actionable steps, wishing for more concrete advice.

Now, my own take on “Rich Dad Poor Dad”:

Reading this book was like having a light switched on in a dimly lit room. Robert Kiyosaki’s storytelling prowess is captivating, drawing you into the lives of his “rich dad” and “poor dad.” He masterfully conveys how two contrasting approaches to money can lead to vastly different financial outcomes.

One of the book’s greatest strengths is its focus on the importance of financial education. Kiyosaki urges readers to take control of their financial destinies by learning about money, investing, and building assets.

This resonated deeply with me because it emphasizes the importance of continuous self-improvement in finance.

Critics argue that Kiyosaki’s advice is too simplistic, but simplicity is its strength. By distilling complex concepts into digestible anecdotes, he makes financial education accessible to everyone.

The book doesn’t prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution but encourages readers to think critically about their financial goals and strategies.

Regarding the negative reviews, it’s essential to remember that personal finance is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. What works for one person may only work for one person.

Kiyosaki’s “rich dad” is not a blueprint for success but an inspiration to seek financial wisdom and adapt it to one’s unique circumstances.

In conclusion, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their financial literacy and taking control of their financial future. It’s not just a book; it’s a roadmap to financial empowerment.

Whether you’re a financial novice or a seasoned investor, Kiyosaki’s insights can inspire you to take steps toward financial independence. Don’t just read this book; absorb its wisdom, apply it to your life, and watch your financial journey transform.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

2. “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason

Prepare to embark on a journey to ancient Babylon, where financial wisdom reigns supreme in “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason. This timeless classic has captured the hearts and minds of readers for generations.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Positive Reviews:

Readers universally praise the book’s ability to convey profound financial principles through engaging parables set in an ancient world.

They laud the simplicity of the “seven cures for a lean purse” and the “five laws of gold,” which provide practical and actionable advice for building wealth.

Negative Reviews:

Some critics find the book’s language dated and the stories simplistic. They argue that the advice is too basic for modern financial challenges and that the narrative style might not resonate with all readers.

Personal Take:

“The Richest Man in Babylon” is a masterpiece that blends storytelling with financial wisdom seamlessly. The tales of characters like Arkad and Bansir offer invaluable lessons in thrift, investment, and wealth-building.

What sets this book apart is its timelessness; the principles it imparts remain as relevant today as they were in ancient Babylon.

While some may argue that the advice is overly simplistic, I believe its simplicity is its strength. The book’s fundamental principles serve as an excellent starting point for anyone looking to improve their financial habits.

It provides a solid foundation upon which readers can build their own financial strategies. In a world where financial advice can often be overwhelming, “The Richest Man in Babylon” offers clarity and inspiration.

It reminds us that the keys to financial success have always been rooted in discipline, prudence, and the ability to make money work for us.

This book is not just about wealth; it’s about achieving financial freedom and security while staying true to timeless principles. It’s a must-read for anyone seeking financial enlightenment.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

3. “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill is more than just a book; it’s a blueprint for success, a guide to unlocking the hidden potential within ourselves.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Positive Reviews:

Readers enthusiastically highlight the book’s power to motivate and inspire. They appreciate Hill’s philosophy of a “burning desire” as a catalyst for achieving one’s goals.

Many have shared their personal success stories, crediting the book for positive changes in their lives.

Negative Reviews:

Critics argue that some of the concepts are overly simplistic or repetitive. They also note that not everyone may resonate with the idea of a “mastermind group” or the book’s sometimes dated language.

Personal Take:

“Think and Grow Rich” is a cornerstone in the field of personal development and success literature. Napoleon Hill’s deep dive into the minds of successful individuals reveals a common thread: a burning desire, unwavering faith, and a definite plan for achieving their goals.

The book serves as a powerful reminder that success starts in the mind. Positive reviews echo my sentiments; this book is a motivational powerhouse. It has the potential to ignite a fire within you, driving you toward your aspirations.

Hill’s insistence on clarity of purpose and the persistence to pursue it resonates strongly. His belief that “thoughts are things” underscores the importance of mindset in achieving success.

Critics may find elements of repetition, but this repetition is intentional—it reinforces key concepts and ensures they become ingrained in the reader’s psyche.

As for the notion of a “mastermind group,” it can be adapted to modern contexts, such as networking and seeking mentorship.

To summarize, “Think and Grow Rich” is a timeless guide to achieving success in any endeavor. It empowers readers to harness the power of their thoughts and desires to manifest their dreams.

While some may dismiss it as overly simplistic, its strength lies in its ability to inspire action. This book doesn’t just teach you how to think; it teaches you how to think and act to create the life you desire.

It’s a classic for a reason, and its motivational message continues to impact lives today.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

4. “The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness” by Morgan Housel

“The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel is a deep dive into the intricate relationship between money and human behavior, offering profound insights into how we think about wealth, greed, and happiness.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Positive Reviews:

Readers praise the book for its thought-provoking exploration of financial psychology. They appreciate Housel’s ability to make complex concepts accessible and relatable.

Many find it refreshing that the book focuses on the emotional side of money, offering a unique perspective.

Negative Reviews:

Critics argue that the book may lack specific actionable advice, and some readers were expecting more concrete financial strategies. Others find it leans heavily on anecdotes, which might not resonate with everyone.

Personal Take:

“The Psychology of Money” is a refreshing departure from traditional finance books. It recognizes that money isn’t just about numbers; it’s deeply intertwined with our emotions, values, and life experiences.

Morgan Housel masterfully navigates this complex territory, weaving together stories and insights that leave a lasting impact.

Positive reviews mirror my own thoughts on the book. Housel’s storytelling approach helps readers connect with the subject matter on a personal level.

It’s not about dry financial theory; it’s about understanding why we make the financial decisions we do and how to navigate the emotional aspects of money.

Critics who desire more concrete financial advice may miss the point. This book isn’t a step-by-step guide to wealth-building; it’s a mirror that reflects our own financial behaviors and attitudes.

It encourages introspection and self-awareness, which are critical first steps toward making better financial decisions.

In conclusion, “The Psychology of Money” offers a profound exploration of the human side of finance. It reminds us that financial success isn’t just about numbers and formulas; it’s about understanding our own psychology and the role it plays in our financial lives.

If you’re looking for a book that challenges your thinking and encourages a deeper understanding of your relationship with money, this is a must-read.

It’s a thought-provoking journey that can lead to greater financial wisdom and contentment.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

5. “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy

“The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy is a powerful guide to achieving success through small, consistent actions that accumulate over time.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Positive Reviews:

Readers enthusiastically praise the book’s message of the transformative power of small, consistent actions. They find the concept of the “compound effect” highly motivating and appreciate the practical advice for implementing it in various aspects of life.

Negative Reviews:

Some critics argue that the book’s advice is common sense and that it lacks groundbreaking insights. Others find the writing style repetitive at times.

Personal Take:

“The Compound Effect” is a compelling reminder that small actions, consistently applied, can lead to remarkable outcomes. Darren Hardy’s emphasis on the power of daily habits is both motivating and actionable.

Positive reviews resonate with my own experience with this book. It’s not about discovering a revolutionary new concept but rather about embracing a concept that we often overlook.

The book’s strength lies in its ability to rekindle our awareness of the small actions we take every day and their profound impact on our lives. It serves as a powerful motivator to make positive changes in our habits and routines.

Critics who find the advice common sense may miss the point. While the concept of small actions leading to significant results may seem straightforward, it’s easy to underestimate its potency.

We often overlook the daily choices that shape our lives. “The Compound Effect” serves as a compelling reminder to pay attention to these choices and harness their potential.

To summarize, “The Compound Effect” is a rallying cry for those seeking to make meaningful, lasting changes in their lives. It’s a book that inspires action and empowers readers to take control of their destiny.

While it may not introduce groundbreaking concepts, its strength lies in its ability to reframe our perspective on the everyday choices we make.

If you’re looking for a book that motivates and guides you on the path to personal and professional growth, this is a must-read. It’s a powerful reminder that even the smallest steps can lead to a life of profound impact and fulfillment.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

6. “Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones” by James Clear

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear is a groundbreaking exploration of the science of habit formation and how tiny changes can lead to remarkable results.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Positive Reviews:

Readers enthusiastically praise the book’s practical advice on habit formation. They appreciate the science-backed approach and find the book’s actionable strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones highly effective.

Negative Reviews:

Critics argue that the book may be repetitive at times, covering similar ground as other self-help books. Some find the writing style overly simplistic.

Personal Take:

“Atomic Habits” is a game-changer in the realm of personal development. James Clear dives deep into the mechanics of habit formation, providing a roadmap for lasting change.

What sets this book apart is its focus on small, incremental improvements—atomic habits—that lead to substantial transformations over time.

Positive reviews align with my own sentiments. This book is a treasure trove of actionable advice. Clear’s ability to distill complex concepts into practical steps is remarkable.

It’s not just about understanding why habits work; it’s about applying that knowledge to transform your life.

Critics who find the book repetitive might miss the point. Repetition is a crucial aspect of habit formation, and Clear uses it to reinforce key concepts. It’s through repetition that we internalize new behaviors, making them automatic.

In conclusion, “Atomic Habits” is a must-read for anyone looking to make lasting changes in their life. It’s a guide to understanding the mechanics of habit formation and using that knowledge to your advantage.

While some may argue that it covers familiar ground, its true power lies in its actionable strategies and the potential for transformation it offers.

This book empowers you to take control of your habits and, ultimately, your destiny. It’s a roadmap to personal growth and success that is both scientifically grounded and eminently practical.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

7. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck

“Mindset” by Carol Dweck explores the concept of mindset and how adopting a growth mindset can lead to greater success and fulfillment.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Positive Reviews:

Readers commend the book for its groundbreaking insights into the power of mindset. They appreciate Dweck’s research-backed approach and find the book’s guidance on shifting from a fixed to a growth mindset highly transformative.

Negative Reviews:

Critics argue that the book’s message may be oversimplified or repetitive. Some find it challenging to apply the concepts in practical life.

Personal Take:

“Mindset” is a profound exploration of the beliefs that shape our success and happiness. Carol Dweck’s research on the growth mindset is not just enlightening; it’s empowering.

This book challenges the notion that our abilities are fixed and shows us how to unlock our potential through a simple shift in mindset.

Positive reviews align with my own perspective on the book. Dweck’s research is groundbreaking, and her ability to convey complex concepts in an accessible manner is commendable.

This book isn’t just about understanding the growth mindset; it’s about adopting it and reaping its rewards.

Critics who find the message oversimplified may be underestimating the significance of this shift in mindset. While the concept itself may seem straightforward, applying it consistently in real life can be transformative.

The repetition of key concepts in the book serves to reinforce the importance of adopting a growth mindset.

In conclusion, “Mindset” offers a profound message that has the potential to change lives. It’s not just a book; it’s a guide to adopting a mindset that fosters personal and professional growth.

While some may argue that its message is simplistic or repetitive, its true strength lies in its transformative potential. This book empowers you to change the way you think, ultimately changing the trajectory of your life.

It’s an inspirational journey toward a more fulfilling and successful future.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

8. “A Happy Pocket Full of Money, Expanded Study Edition: Infinite Wealth and Abundance in the Here and Now by David Gikandi

“A Happy Pocket Full of Money” by David Cameron Gikandi is a spiritual exploration of wealth, abundance, and the power of the mind to create the life you desire.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Positive Reviews:

Readers commend the book for its unique approach to wealth and abundance. They appreciate Gikandi’s spiritual perspective and find the book’s teachings on the interconnectedness of wealth and consciousness deeply transformative.

Negative Reviews:

Critics argue that the book’s spiritual concepts may not resonate with all readers. Some find the writing style dense and challenging to follow.

Personal Take:

“A Happy Pocket Full of Money” is a captivating journey into the realms of consciousness and abundance. David Cameron Gikandi offers a perspective on wealth that extends beyond material riches, delving into the interconnectedness of thought, belief, and reality.

Positive reviews echo my own sentiments about this book. Gikandi’s spiritual approach to wealth challenges conventional notions and encourages readers to broaden their perspectives.

It reminds us that wealth is not just about money; it’s about aligning our consciousness with abundance in all aspects of life.

Critics who struggle with the book’s spiritual concepts may be seeking a more traditional financial guide. This book is not about conventional financial strategies; it’s about understanding the profound connection between our thoughts, beliefs, and the abundance we experience.

Finally, “A Happy Pocket Full of Money” is a thought-provoking exploration of wealth and abundance from a spiritual perspective.

It’s a book that invites readers to expand their consciousness and embrace a deeper understanding of prosperity. While it may not resonate with everyone, its unique approach offers a valuable perspective on the relationship between mind and wealth.

It’s a journey toward infinite abundance in the here and now.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

9. “You Are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero

“You Are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero is a no-nonsense guide to transforming your financial mindset and taking control of your financial destiny.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Positive Reviews:

Readers enthusiastically commend the book for its empowering message and practical advice. They appreciate Sincero’s no-nonsense approach to money mindset and find the book’s guidance on overcoming limiting beliefs highly effective.

Negative Reviews:

Critics argue that the book’s tone and language may not resonate with all readers. Some find it challenging to apply the concepts in their specific financial situations.

Personal Take:

“You Are a Badass at Making Money” is a refreshing take on financial empowerment. Jen Sincero’s irreverent style combined with her no-nonsense advice creates a compelling guide to transforming your relationship with money.

Positive reviews align with my own perspective on the book. Sincero’s unapologetic approach challenges readers to confront their limiting beliefs about money and replace them with a mindset of abundance and possibility.

It’s not just about understanding money; it’s about taking action to change your financial reality.

Critics who find the book’s tone off-putting may miss the point. Sincero’s approach is intentionally bold and provocative to jolt readers out of their comfort zones and into action.

While not every piece of advice may apply to every individual’s financial situation, the overarching message of empowerment is universal.

To summarize, “You Are a Badass at Making Money” is a rallying cry for those ready to transform their financial mindset and take control of their financial destiny.

It’s a book that challenges limiting beliefs and empowers readers to pursue their financial goals with confidence. While the tone and language may not resonate with everyone, its core message of financial empowerment is a beacon of inspiration.

This book reminds us that we have the power to create wealth and abundance in our lives, and it’s time to embrace that power.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

10. “Overcoming Underearning: A Five-Step Plan to a Richer Life by Barbara Huson (formerly Barbara Stanny)

“Overcoming Underearning” by Barbara Huson is a practical guide to breaking free from financial limitations and achieving a richer life.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Positive Reviews:

Readers commend the book for its practical approach to overcoming underearning. They appreciate Huson’s step-by-step plan and find the book’s guidance on increasing income and financial confidence highly effective.

Negative Reviews:

Critics argue that the book’s advice may be too simplistic or that it lacks groundbreaking insights. Some find it challenging to implement the strategies in their specific financial situations.

Personal Take:

“Overcoming Underearning” is a valuable resource for those seeking to break free from financial limitations and create a richer, more fulfilling life. Barbara Huson’s straightforward approach provides a clear path to increasing income and financial confidence.

Positive reviews resonate with my own perspective on the book. Huson’s five-step plan offers a structured and actionable framework for overcoming underearning.

It’s not about complex financial strategies; it’s about addressing the mindset and behaviors that hold us back from earning what we’re truly capable of.

Critics who find the advice simplistic may miss the point. While the concepts may seem straightforward, their power lies in their simplicity and applicability.

The book doesn’t promise instant wealth but provides a roadmap to gradually improve one’s financial situation over time.

Finally, “Overcoming Underearning” is a practical guide for those ready to break free from financial limitations and build a richer life.

It’s a book that offers a clear path to increasing income and financial confidence. While some may find the advice basic, its strength lies in its practicality and the potential for transformation it offers.

This book empowers readers to take concrete steps toward financial abundance and a more fulfilling life. It’s a reminder that we have the power to shape our financial destinies, and with the right mindset and actions, we can overcome underearning and achieve greater prosperity.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!


In conclusion, 2023 is the year to transform your life through the power of the written word. Dive into these top 10 money mindset books, embrace the journey they offer, and watch as your financial life evolves before your eyes.

Remember, it’s not just about accumulating wealth; it’s about achieving a sense of financial freedom and fulfillment that will resonate throughout every aspect of your life.

Happy reading, and here’s to a prosperous and emotionally fulfilling 2023!

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