The Definitive Guide to the 9 Best Grant Cardone Books in 2023!

The best Grant Cardone books to read in 2023

In the world of personal development and business success literature, Grant Cardone is a name that stands out.

With a charismatic personality and a wealth of knowledge, Cardone has authored numerous books that have inspired and motivated countless individuals to reach their full potential in both life and business.

Based on important criteria such as content, reader reviews, and the topics addressed by each book, we have selected the Top Grant Cardone books to read in 2023.

In this article, we will present the results of our research to help you choose the best books by Grant Cardone that perfectly meet your needs.

The Best Grant Cardone Books

1. “The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure” 

“The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure” by Grant Cardone is a powerhouse of motivation and actionable advice for anyone aiming to achieve extraordinary success in their personal and professional life. As a consistent reader, this book is an absolute gem.

Customer Reviews Summary:

Before delving into my take on this book, let’s take a moment to consider what others have said. “The 10X Rule” has garnered 11,000 reviews on Amazon, and the overall sentiment is overwhelmingly positive.

Many readers have hailed it as a life-changing masterpiece, and here’s a summary of what they’ve loved:

Inspirational Fuel: Readers commend Grant Cardone for his no-nonsense approach to success. They find his emphasis on massive action and unwavering commitment to be highly motivating, often referring to the book as a source of relentless inspiration.

Practical Advice: One common theme in customer reviews is the practicality of Cardone’s advice. He doesn’t just tell you to dream big; he lays out a clear roadmap for setting and achieving audacious goals.

Readers appreciate the actionable steps provided throughout the book.

Mindset Transformation: Many readers have highlighted how “The 10X Rule” helped them shift their mindset. They learned to think in terms of abundance and to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

My Personal Take:

Having read and reviewed numerous books in the field of personal development and business success, I can confidently say that “The 10X Rule” stands out as a must-read for anyone looking to supercharge their ambition and results.

Here’s why I believe this book is a game-changer:

A Blueprint for Success: 

Cardone’s central premise, the 10X Rule, is simple yet profound. He argues that to achieve exceptional success. You must set goals and take actions that are ten times greater than what you initially think is necessary.

This philosophy is a refreshing departure from the conventional wisdom of “setting realistic goals” and propels readers to aim higher.

Practical Action Steps: 

What sets this book apart is its practicality. Cardone doesn’t just motivate; he provides a clear roadmap for achieving your dreams. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a salesperson, or someone aspiring to greatness, you’ll find actionable advice to implement immediately.

Unwavering Motivation: 

Grant Cardone’s passion and energy are contagious. His relentless commitment to success will ignite a fire within you, encouraging you to push your limits and never settle for mediocrity.

To summarize, “The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure” is a game-changer that I wholeheartedly recommend.

It’s not just a book; it’s a blueprint for transforming your mindset, setting audacious goals, and taking massive action to achieve the success you deserve.

If you’re ready to step up your game and achieve remarkable results, this book is your ticket to greatness. 

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

2. “Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and Life”

The book “Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and Life,” is a compelling guide that promises to transform your approach to sales and persuasion.

I understand the importance of persuasion in marketing endeavors, and Cardone’s book is a valuable resource in this regard.

In this review, I’ll provide an overview of the book, share insights from customer reviews, and offer my personal take on its merits and potential drawbacks.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Before delving into my perspective, let’s consider what readers are saying about “Sell or Be Sold.” On Amazon, this book has received 3655 reviews, and they offer a mixed but mostly positive outlook:

Positive Feedback:

  • Sales Mastery: Many readers praise Cardone’s in-depth knowledge of sales techniques. They appreciate his ability to break down complex concepts into actionable steps that can significantly improve one’s sales skills.
  • Persuasion Principles: Reviewers frequently mention the book’s practicality. They find the persuasion principles outlined by Cardone to be applicable not only in business but also in various aspects of life.
  • Motivational Boost: Several readers highlight the motivational aspect of the book, emphasizing how Cardone’s passionate writing style and real-world examples inspire readers to take action and overcome challenges.

Negative reviews:

  • Repetitiveness: Some readers note that the book can be repetitive at times, with similar points and concepts reiterated throughout. This repetition may be either reinforcing key ideas or potentially monotonous, depending on the reader’s perspective.
  • Sales Focus: A few reviewers feel that the book is primarily geared toward individuals in sales roles, and while it provides valuable insights for sales professionals, its applicability to a broader audience might be limited.

My Personal Take:

As someone deeply involved in marketing and sales, I find “Sell or Be Sold” by Grant Cardone to be a valuable resource for honing persuasion skills and enhancing one’s ability to influence others positively.

Here’s why I believe this book is worth your consideration:

Sales Expertise: 

Grant Cardone is undeniably a sales expert, and his wealth of experience shines through in this book. His insights into the psychology of selling, effective communication, and the power of persistence are invaluable for anyone involved in marketing or negotiation.

Universal Applicability: 

While the book is geared toward sales professionals, the principles of persuasion and influence discussed by Cardone are universal. They can be applied in various personal and professional contexts, including affiliate marketing, where the ability to persuade and connect with an audience is paramount.

Actionable Strategies: 

Cardone provides actionable strategies and techniques that readers can immediately put into practice. From handling objections effectively to mastering the art of closing deals, the book offers practical guidance for enhancing persuasive abilities.

In conclusion, “Sell or Be Sold: How to Get Your Way in Business and Life” is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their persuasion and sales skills.

While some readers might find certain aspects repetitive, the book’s overall value in terms of actionable strategies, motivational content, and universal applicability makes it a worthy addition to your reading list.

Whether you’re in sales, marketing, or simply seeking to become a more effective communicator, Grant Cardone’s insights in this book can help you reach your goals.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

3. “Be Obsessed or Be Average”

This book is an electrifying call to action, urging readers to embrace their obsessions and channel them toward unparalleled success.

I really understand the power of passion and determination, and Cardone’s book offers a compelling perspective on these key drivers of achievement.

So, in this review, I’ll provide an overview of the book, share insights from customer reviews, and offer my personal take on its strengths and potential drawbacks.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Before diving into my perspective, let’s examine what readers have to say about “Be Obsessed or Be Average.” The book has garnered more than 3,000 reviews on Amazon, and here’s a synopsis of the general sentiments expressed:

Positive Feedback:

Motivational Fire: Many readers laud Cardone’s ability to ignite a burning passion within them. They appreciate the book’s motivational tone and the urgency it seeds, urging individuals to pursue their obsessions relentlessly.

Clarity of Purpose: Reviewers frequently mention how the book helps them gain clarity about their goals and ambitions. Cardone’s emphasis on setting audacious objectives and working tirelessly toward them resonates with those seeking direction in life and business.

Entrepreneurial Insights: Several readers, particularly aspiring entrepreneurs, find valuable nuggets of wisdom throughout the book. Cardone’s personal anecdotes and practical advice guide navigating the entrepreneurial journey.

Negative feedback:

Intensity Warning: Some readers caution that the book’s message of obsession and relentless pursuit of success may not be suitable for everyone. It can be overwhelming for those who prefer a more balanced approach to life and work.

Repetitiveness: A few reviewers note that Cardone tends to repeat certain key points throughout the book. While this reinforces critical ideas, it may come across as redundant to some readers.

My Personal Take:

Having explored “Be Obsessed or Be Average” by Grant Cardone, I believe it is a powerful manifesto for those seeking to tap into their fullest potential.

Here’s why I find this book worth your attention:

Passion Unleashed: Cardone’s unapologetic advocacy for obsession as a driving force is a refreshing departure from conventional wisdom. He convincingly argues that obsession can be harnessed as a powerful motivator to achieve remarkable success.

Clarity of Purpose: The book excels in helping readers clarify their life’s purpose and set bold, inspiring goals. Cardone’s emphasis on the importance of audacity in goal-setting encourages individuals to aim higher and push their boundaries.

Entrepreneurial Wisdom: While the book’s primary focus is personal development, it offers valuable insights for entrepreneurs. Cardone’s entrepreneurial journey and the lessons he shares can benefit aspiring business owners.

In conclusion, “Be Obsessed or Be Average” is a compelling read that I recommend to individuals seeking to unlock their inner drive and pursue their obsessions with unwavering determination.

While some may find its intensity overwhelming, the book’s message of passion, purpose, and the pursuit of greatness can resonate profoundly with those who are ready to embrace their obsessions.

Grant Cardone’s motivational and actionable insights make this book a valuable addition to your personal development and entrepreneurial library.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

4. “If You’re Not First, You’re Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition”

In “If You’re Not First, You’re Last” by Grant Cardone, readers are treated to a high-octane guide on how to rise above the competition and secure a dominant position in the market.

If you are aware of the importance of staying ahead in a competitive landscape, Cardone’s book offers invaluable insights in this regard.

In this section, I’ll provide an overview of the book, share insights from customer reviews, and offer my personal take on its strengths and potential areas for improvement.

Summary of Customer Reviews:

Before delving into my perspective, let’s examine the unanimity among readers of “If You’re Not First, You’re Last.” The book has more than 700 reviews on Amazon, and here’s a snapshot of the key points made by readers:

Positive Reviews:

Sales Mastery: Many readers praise Cardone’s deep understanding of sales strategies. They find his insights to be enlightening, offering a fresh perspective on how to excel in the competitive world of sales.

Actionable Tactics: Reviewers appreciate the practical nature of the book. Cardone doesn’t just provide theory; he offers a plethora of actionable tactics that can be immediately applied to improve one’s sales performance.

Market Domination: Several readers highlight the book’s focus on market dominance. Cardone’s strategies for outperforming competitors and staying at the forefront of one’s industry resonate with those looking to scale their business or career.

Negative Reviews:

Intense Approach: Some readers caution that the book’s intensity might only be suitable for some. Cardone’s high-energy style and emphasis on relentless action may be overwhelming for those seeking a more balanced approach.

Specific Audience: A few reviewers note that the book is primarily targeted at sales professionals and entrepreneurs. While it provides valuable insights for this audience, its applicability to other fields may be limited.

My Personal Take:

Having delved into “If You’re Not First, You’re Last” by Grant Cardone, I find it to be a powerhouse of sales strategies and competitive tactics.

Here’s why I believe this book is a valuable resource:

Sales Expertise: Grant Cardone’s extensive experience in sales shines through in this book. His insights into the nuances of sales strategies, the importance of persistence, and the art of outperforming competitors are enlightening.

Tactical Brilliance: What sets this book apart is its practicality. Cardone provides a wealth of actionable tactics and techniques that readers can apply immediately. From lead generation to closing deals, the book offers a comprehensive guide to excelling in sales.

Market Domination: Cardone’s emphasis on dominating one’s market is particularly valuable for those looking to stand out and grow their business or career. His strategies for staying ahead of the competition are actionable and results-driven.

To recap, “If You’re Not First, You’re Last” is a must-read for anyone in sales, entrepreneurship, or seeking to excel in a competitive environment.

While its intensity may not suit everyone, the book’s wealth of actionable insights, sales mastery, and focus on market domination make it a valuable addition to your arsenal of sales strategies.

Grant Cardone’s energetic and knowledgeable approach to sales sets this book apart as a compelling resource for those ready to rise above the competition and dominate their market.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

5. “The Millionaire Booklet: How to Get Super Rich”

“The Millionaire Booklet: How to Get Super Rich” by Grant Cardone has certainly made waves since its release, generating a mix of reviews on both Amazon and

Let’s delve into the various perspectives to get a well-rounded understanding of this book.

Amazon Reviews: 

On Amazon, “The Millionaire Booklet” has gathered a wide range of opinions. Many readers have praised Grant Cardone’s no-nonsense approach to wealth-building, emphasizing the importance of setting clear financial goals and taking action to achieve them.

Positive reviews often mention the book’s brevity and its ability to provide a motivational kickstart.

However, there are also critical voices. Some readers feel that the booklet needs more depth and is more of a motivational pamphlet than a comprehensive guide.

A few have expressed disappointment, expecting more substance given Cardone’s reputation as a wealth guru. Reviews: 

Reviews on echo the sentiments seen on Amazon. Positive reviews highlight the booklet’s inspirational tone and its ability to simplify complex financial concepts.

Readers who appreciate concise advice tend to rate it favorably. On the other hand, some Goodreads users feel that the book needs more practical advice.

They believe it lacks the depth necessary to truly guide someone toward becoming “super-rich.” Some find the booklet too promotional of Cardone’s other products and services.

My Personal Take: 

I must say that “The Millionaire Booklet” serves a particular purpose. It’s not a comprehensive financial guide but rather a motivational booster. Grant Cardone excels in providing readers with a jolt of enthusiasm to take control of their financial destinies. It serves as a valuable reminder of the importance of setting clear goals, staying focused, and taking action.

However, if you’re seeking a step-by-step manual for wealth creation with in-depth strategies and practical advice, this booklet may leave you wanting more.

It’s important to remember that Cardone’s style is concise and geared toward those who need a motivational push more than a comprehensive financial education.

In conclusion, “The Millionaire Booklet” can be a valuable addition to your financial library if you’re looking for a quick dose of motivation and a reminder of key financial principles.

However, for those seeking detailed wealth-building strategies, it’s best approached as a supplement to more comprehensive financial resources.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

6. “The Closer’s Survival Guide”

“The Closer’s Survival Guide” by Grant Cardone is another compelling addition to his series of books on sales and personal development. Like his other works, this book has elicited a range of reviews on Amazon and

Let’s explore the diverse perspectives surrounding this guide.

Amazon Reviews: 

On Amazon, “The Closer’s Survival Guide” has garnered a substantial number of reviews, with a predominant positive sentiment.

Many readers commend Cardone for his extensive knowledge of sales and his ability to convey valuable insights. Positive reviews often mention the practicality of the strategies outlined in the book, emphasizing their effectiveness in real-world sales scenarios.

However, it’s worth noting that a few reviewers have raised concerns about the book’s aggressive tone, feeling that it may only resonate with some.

Some critics also argue that the content can be repetitive, while others view this as a means of reinforcing essential sales principles. Reviews: 

Reviews on echo the sentiments seen on Amazon, albeit with a more varied mix of opinions. Positive reviews tend to focus on the book’s actionable advice and its ability to help readers improve their sales skills.

Readers who are already in sales or aspire to be closers appreciate the practical tips and techniques presented by Cardone.

On the flip side, some Goodreads users find the book’s style and approach overly assertive. They argue that Cardone’s method might only suit some salespeople or may be perceived as overly aggressive in certain situations. Like on Amazon, there’s a recurring mention of the book’s repetition.

My Personal Take: 

I think this book undoubtedly holds value for individuals in the sales field. Grant Cardone’s approach is no-nonsense and geared toward equipping sales professionals with the tools they need to excel in their careers.

This book serves as a comprehensive guide to the art of closing deals, offering practical techniques and strategies that can be applied immediately.

However, the assertive tone and repetitive nature of the content may only resonate with some. Cardone’s approach is undoubtedly effective, but it’s crucial to adapt it to one’s style and context, as overly aggressive sales tactics may only sometimes be appropriate.

To summarize, “The Closer’s Survival Guide” is a valuable resource for those in sales looking to sharpen their skills and elevate their performance.

While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, its practical advice can undoubtedly help individuals close deals more effectively and achieve their sales goals.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

7. “How To Create Wealth Investing In Real Estate

The best Real Estate book for beginners!

“How To Create Wealth Investing In Real Estate” by Grant Cardone is a book that talks about the world of real estate investing. 

As with Cardone’s other publications, this book has collected more than 1,000 reviews on both Amazon and, showing diverse perspectives. 

Let’s explore the range of opinions surrounding this real estate investment guide.

Amazon Reviews: 

On Amazon, “How To Create Wealth Investing In Real Estate” has attracted a mix of reviews. Many readers applaud Cardone’s enthusiasm for real estate investment and his ability to demystify the process.

Positive reviews often mention the book’s practical tips and its inspirational tone, encouraging readers to take action in the world of real estate.

Criticizers of the book have voiced concerns about its level of detail. Some feel that it provides a high-level overview of real estate investing but needs more depth for in-depth understanding.

Additionally, there are mentions of the book promoting Cardone’s other products and services, which some readers find distracting. Reviews: 

Reviews on offer similar opinions to those found on Amazon. Positive reviews focus on the book’s motivational aspect, with readers appreciating Cardone’s ability to infuse confidence in real estate investment. The clear language and actionable advice are also frequently cited as strengths.

On the flip side, some readers on Goodreads mention that Cardone’s writing style and tone can be overly aggressive for their liking.

Additionally, they note that the book needs to provide the level of detail and nuance required for more advanced real estate investors.

My Personal Take: 

The book “How To Create Wealth Investing In Real Estate” can serve as a valuable introduction to the world of real estate investment for beginners.

Grant Cardone’s passion for the subject is evident, and his ability to motivate readers is a significant strength of the book.

However, it’s essential to approach this book with the understanding that it provides a high-level overview rather than an exhaustive guide to real estate investing.

Cardone’s style may resonate more with those who appreciate an assertive approach, but it may come across as aggressive to some readers.

In closing, “How To Create Wealth Investing In Real Estate” is a suitable starting point for people interested in exploring real estate investment.

It provides valuable insights and motivation, but those seeking a deeper dive into the intricacies of real estate investing may need to look for more detailed resources.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

8. “Grant Cardone’s PlayBook to Millions: Your Guide to Prosperity”

 This new motivational book promises to guide readers toward financial success. As with Cardone’s other works, this book has garnered more than 100 reviews on both Amazon and, offering diverse viewpoints.

Let’s analyze the content of opinions surrounding this prosperity guide.

Amazon Reviews: 

On Amazon, “PlayBook to Millions” has drawn a mixed bag of reviews. Many readers appreciate Cardone’s motivational and energetic writing style, which inspires them to take action towards their financial goals.

Positive reviews often mention the book’s emphasis on the importance of persistence and determination in achieving prosperity.

Critics of the book express concerns about its depth and substance. Some readers feel that the content needs more specific, actionable strategies and instead focuses more on general motivation.

Also, a few reviewers mention that the book could be seen as a promotional tool for Cardone’s other products and services. Reviews: 

Reviews on also reflect a range of thoughts. Positive reviews applaud Cardone for his ability to motivate and energize readers to pursue prosperity actively.

The book’s straightforward language and motivational tone are frequently highlighted. However, some Goodreads users find the content repetitive and believe it needs to offer more depth or concrete steps for achieving financial success.

There are also mentions of Cardone’s powerful writing style, which may not appeal to everyone.

My Personal Take: 

In my opinion, “PlayBook to Millions” can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for those seeking to improve their financial situations.

Grant Cardone’s enthusiasm and motivational tone are evident throughout the book, making it an engaging read. However, it’s important to recognize that this book primarily serves as a motivational tool rather than a comprehensive guide to financial prosperity.

While it may provide the initial push needed to set ambitious goals and take action, readers may need to complement it with more detailed resources for a comprehensive financial plan.

Finally, “PlayBook to Millions” has the potential to torch the spark of ambition and determination in readers aiming for prosperity.

This book serves as a starting point for those seeking financial success but may require additional resources and strategies to develop a comprehensive path to wealth.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!

9. “Grant Cardone 10X Kids Book”

The best success principles book for young kids!

“Grant Cardone 10X Kids Book” is an educational resource aimed at inspiring and empowering young minds to embrace the principles of success. 

Let’s explore the coverage of viewpoints surrounding this children’s book.

Amazon Reviews: 

On Amazon, “10X Kids Book” has received feedback primarily from parents and educators. Many praise Cardone for his efforts to introduce children to essential success principles at an early age.

Positive reviews often mention the book’s engaging and age-appropriate content, designed to resonate with kids. Negative reviews are relatively low, but some express worries about the book’s simplicity.

They feel that the message may be too basic for older children or that it needs more depth to provide a comprehensive understanding of success principles. Reviews: 

Reviews on are aligned with the thoughts on Amazon. Positive reviews emphasize the book’s role in introducing concepts like setting goals, working hard, and having a positive attitude to young readers.

Parents appreciate the simplicity of the content and its potential to spark conversations about success with their children.

Some reviewers on Goodreads note that the book’s message may be overly simplified for older kids and suggest that it’s best suited for younger children who are just beginning to grasp these ideas.

My Personal Take: 

The growth mindset and success principles from an early age are really important. That’s why I think the book “10X Kids Book” by Grant Cardone serves as a valuable tool for introducing these concepts to young minds in a way that’s engaging and relatable.

While some may find the content simple, it’s important to remember that the target audience is children. The book’s simplicity makes it accessible and suitable for flashing discussions about success with kids.

However, parents and educators should supplement it with more advanced resources as children grow older and develop a deeper understanding of these principles.

To wrap up, “10X Kids Book” is the best resource for introducing success principles to young children. It’s a starting point for conversations about hard work, setting goals, and maintaining a positive attitude, ultimately helping to lay the foundation for their future success.

Click here to check the price on Amazon!


Whether you’re looking to boost your sales skills, become a better entrepreneur, or gain inspiration to pursue your dreams, Grant Cardone’s books have something to offer.

Consider adding these top 9 Grant Cardone books to your reading list and embark on a journey toward personal and professional excellence.

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